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Archive for 'relationships'

Dating Friends and Friends of Friends

“I have a relationship question for you.
Ok, I have my best friend Julie*, and her ex boyfriend’s name is Troy. Troy is my best friend, and my recent ex-boyfriend John’s, best friend. My problem is I’m really attracted to Troy, so Troy and I were talking about casually dating. Which sounds fine because its fun [...]

Happy Pride!

June is Gay (or LGBTTQQA*) Pride Month
and the whole city of Toronto is gearing up for this weekend’s HUGE pride celebrations!
(You can even follow the updates on Twitter!)I checked it out last year and it was INSANE!
MILLIONS of people showed up for the Pride Parade.
Church street was shut off to traffic and was teeming with [...]

Yet Another Reason Why Stereotypes are Bad

“hi shay, Do all men have high libido’s and what is a normal level for a man?
I’m asking because my husband doesn’t seem to want to have sex as much as me and when i ask him if he wants to have sex he almost always says no which is a shocker to me cuz [...]

Being Safe? Oh It’s Worth It

“Hi Shay. Me and my girlfriend want to have sex soon but I realised getting a condom would be a bit of a challenge. How do most people my age, 18, get them? I dont really want to go into the supermarket and buy a pack like that, its a bit embarassing. Thanks“
I’m sorry, there [...]

What If I Don’t Want to be the Sex DD?!

This past weekend, I got together with some friends for a movie night.  One friend insisted that we watch 100 Girls, because he hadn’t seen it in years but remembered it being very funny – so we watched it.
It was a fairly funny movie – as long as you don’t think too much about all [...]

A Tricky Question

“Hey Shay, I’ve been reading your column for a while now and I love it.  In any case I have a pretty tough question for you.  I’ve found that I’m only attracted to people I know very well.  Just recently I’ve realized that I’ve become attracted to my best friend, who [...]

You Don’t Always Have to “Get It Up” for Them to Get Off

“My partner and I have been sexually active for about 6 or so months. Now, she wants to have sex all the time, where as I don’t as much. It really upsets her when I don’t have sex with her as much as other couples, she thinks she’s a freak because her sex drive is [...]

Advice for Prom

[By the way, I have a hard time not typing "porn" when I try to type "prom" so let's see if I can get through this post without any mistakes!]
It’s prom season! Which means that many of my younger readers are currently trying to find dates, pick out clothes, and make plans for what [...]

What’s the Shopping Equivalent of a Handjob?

Someone just sent me a joke by e-mail. I’ve had an e-mail address for a long time, so I sorta feel like I’ve seen them all by now – like this one. You’ve probably read it too; it’s the one about the couple who are snuggled in bed, maybe doing a little [...]

Ideas for Suggesting a Solo Toy

“Dear Shay, Love your column; I’ve been checking it for about a year now. I’ve really liked your advice when it comes to relationships and sex, so here’s my question: My live-in girlfriend of three years is currently very stressed out because of work, and as a result our sex life has suffered. When we [...]