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Hi, I'm Shay.

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This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

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Archive for February, 2008

Film Fridays – Physical Exercise is Great!

I just love the reactions of the people around her!stop it at around 1:29 because after that it’s just spam for some stupid scam-y websitethe videos was just too entertaining to resist posting – despite the ad.

For the Vag Lovers

From the Onion:
“Is there a man among us… that does not also desire to see vaginas? Does any one of you not admire their natural, flower-like perfection, or not enjoy the sexual urges they conjure deep within your being?“

CuntBlogging Wednesday 25

It’s the last week of V-month! :(
So today I have an especially tasty looking guest for you:(click img to see what other tasty thing she might have)“Hi Shay! I’ve been reading you for quite a long time now and I alway wanted to send you my little contribution for your blog. So here’s my little [...]

Toys and Gender

Without looking at any stats, what do YOU think?

Reader Question – Oral Sex and Herpes

“Hi Shay, I love reading your blog, and it’s been very helpful in so many ways. Here is the crux… I was married previously, now divorced, and my previous husband left me an unwanted present. Six months after our divorce I found out I had Genital Herpes, how nice huh?! I’ve read all I can [...]

Film Fridays – In the Wild

Click HERE to watch this week’s feature
Now I REALLY want to see a video for the teaser at the end! haha
Do you think it’ll be anything like it’s namesake?

What’s Cuter Than One Cunt?



Seriously though, not too long ago a reader sent me an e-mail asking about the kind of porn where two women get off by rub their pussies together. My reader was particularly aroused by this and wanted to know if there was a special term for this act so that they could search for images [...]

CuntBlogging Wednesday 24

Wow, the long weekend really threw me off!
I totally forgot what day it was and was busy prepping a post as if it was Tuesday!Silly me!But not to worry, I happen to have a very nice CBW ready for you:
Today’s proud pussy says she just loves her pyrex toys(click to see how much)

Reader Question – The Right Time

“I’m a long time viewer, first time poster. I need some advice really badly. You see, I finally met this boy that I really like and I want to get… more involved with him. I don’t think I’m ready for vaginal sex just yet but I want to maybe try some other things like anal [...]

Film Fridays – a V Day Song

You know what makes a lovely gift for Valentine’s Day?A song!^_^