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Hi, I'm Shay.

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This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

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[It is understood that all subjects in CBW photos must be of at least 18 years of age and photos are submitted with consent. The S Spot is not responsible for the irresponsibility of others.

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Archive for 'cuntblogging'

CuntBlogging Wednesday 37

Today’s submitter not only provided us with a chance to post an all too rare girly CBW, BUT her pic is also perfect for Masturbation Month!
Well done! ^_^
“im a long time reader, first time talker. here is my cunt pic for you <3“

Cuntblogging Wednesday 36

Well, would you look at that - it’s not every day that we get to see the wife of another blogger appear for CBW!
Thanks SSS!
“Hey Shay - Here’s our contribution to pussy pics for Feb!“

Well folks, that’s it for The S Spot’s Feb Focus on the ladies of CBW - BUT this doesn’t mean we’ve [...]

Cuntblogging Wednesday 35

Jan and Zan sent in some great entries for a contest I had a while back - unfortunately fate didn’t pick them to win BUT I couldn’t resist posting this lovely little pic, perfect for CBW:

Uncensored this week because that’s just how I roll sometimes

Cuntblogging Wednesday 33

Welcome to the first CBW of V-Month!!
During the month of February, The S Spot likes to devote all of it’s Wednesdays to Cuntblogging:
partly in recognition of V-Day and partly because it’s just cool to change things up, esp since we really don’t see enough lady-parts in CBW!
Today’s courageous cunt is wearing an Orchid
I always thought [...]

CuntBlogging Wednesday 32

You know what I like to see?  Couples who do crazy things together - crazy things like BOTH submitting photos for CBW!!
Last week we saw her fella, and this week we get to see her!
“My man’s cock is beyond delicious personally, and I like to think he thinks the same of my girly bits.“

Cuntblogging Wednesday 31

Today’s submission comes from Shani
Of course, you can go ahead and take that lemon to go with your cocktoberfest beer - you might find a pleasant surprise underneath it when you do. ^_~
“Hey, I’ve been reading for a bit, and decided that I’d try to contribute to cuntblogging  Wednesdays if you’d have me. I [...]

Cuntblogging Wednesday 30

With all the cocks flying around during Cocktoberfest, thank goodness we have lovely ladies like Curvy Dee around to break things up for CBW
But my goodness! Who left their nachos lying around?  Click the img to get rid of them… mmm nachos and beer…

“This is a never-before-seen photo of my cunt! xxx Dee“

Cuntblogging Wednesday 29

Hey, I haven’t though about this in years, but have you ever noticed that a strawberry kinda looks like something else?
(click img to remove all innuendo)
“I love your site! I have been visiting it for a while now. You always ask for more pictures for CBW, and i finally got up the courage to send [...]

Cuntblogging Wednesday 28

All this bj talk has been exhausting. Thank goodness this week’s CBW will be a change of pace!
I say it every time, but we really do not get enough women sending in pix!And I really don’t see why, I mean, look at this week’s pic - pussies are so pretty!
Plus, for your special viewing [...]

Cockblogging Wednesday 109 / Cuntblogging Wednesday 27

O hai!
I was just sitting here, sipping a nice cool drink, and thought to myself - self, you need to post a special CBW for today.Why today? Because it’s today! You’re here and I’m here , what better reason do we need?Actually, most importantly, this pic is here.I found today’s submission in my [...]