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Hi, I'm Shay.

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This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

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Archive for February, 2009

Book Review – HIS

I just finished reading HIS last week – it’s a collection of erotic stories kinda aimed at men.  Check out my review over at Jane’s Guide. ^_^
“I’m fairly picky with my erotica because I often have trouble identifying with the women in the stories, but it turns out that it’s hard to go wrong when [...]

pssst – Shay is planning to post the newest Diary of a Futa chapter next week – pass it on. ^_~
(This would be a good time to start getting refreshed on the story thus far)

You Can Have Manners Without Forsaking Your Sexuality

I have a confession to make tonight my sweet readers.
I am a fan of what I will acknowledge as some pretty… um… what’s the word…. is it trashy? no no, surely not… well, at least some “interesting” MTV reality shows.  Of course I’ve seen all three Shots at Love,  but right now I’m following From [...]

Cuntblogging Wednesday 36

Well, would you look at that – it’s not every day that we get to see the wife of another blogger appear for CBW!
Thanks SSS!
“Hey Shay – Here’s our contribution to pussy pics for Feb!“

Well folks, that’s it for The S Spot’s Feb Focus on the ladies of CBW – BUT this doesn’t mean we’ve [...]

You Don’t Have to be a Yoga Master to Trim

“Hey Shay!
I’ve got a confession to make. I’ve been wanting to send you a pic for V-month but I’ve been to shy. See I’ve got a lot of pubic hair, I mean a lot. Balding men could make toupees out of the trimmings! Okay, maybe not that bad but it is long and thick and [...]

Panda Porn in Action

Just in case you wanted to see how Panda Porn works, here’s a little video all about it!

Thanks to Propero for sharing this hilarious link.

Porn to the Rescue!

I was watching a program the other day about panda preserves in China and all the steps that are being taken to keep this species from becoming extinct.  The humans are trying all kinds of things to help the pandas, from protecting their habitat, to working on improving their sex lives.
Apparently pandas are notoriously lazy, [...]

Toy Review – Panty Pal

I have to admit that my first thought when I opened up the Vibrating Panty Pal that my pals at VibeReview sent me, was  “wow, its bigger than I expected”.  I don’t know why I thought it would be some tiny little thing haha.  Actually, you can click through the pic above to see a [...]

Hook-Up Contest Winners!

it was REALLY hard to pick a winner in my SundanceChannel Hook-Up Contest!
Too hard, in fact – all the entries were so good!!
So I decided to leave it up to fate and generated some random numbers to help me pick the winners:
Third Prize goes to Ki Two with her cute story about being interupted by [...]

Cuntblogging Wednesday 35

Jan and Zan sent in some great entries for a contest I had a while back – unfortunately fate didn’t pick them to win BUT I couldn’t resist posting this lovely little pic, perfect for CBW:

Uncensored this week because that’s just how I roll sometimes