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Hi, I'm Shay.

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Archive for May, 2006

CockBlogging Wednesday 27

This is Danger’s second appearance on my blog. See! Being a guest cock is so fun that I have repeaters! ^_~ You can check out his first time HERE.
“Hello again, I’m sending you another pic because of all the great commentspeople left about my last one. Thank you for easing my fears. I hope youlike [...]

This Post Brought to You by The Letter ‘N’

It’s been a while since I was tagged for a meme! The fabulous and attentive Dzer was kind enough to tag me with the letter meme.
Here is how it works: You get a letter assigned to you, and you have to come up with 10 words that begin with that letter and then give your [...]

Would You Like A Little Cream in Your….

I received an interesting question in my e-mail a few days ago: “Shay, is there some connection with milk and cum?”
Well, let’s see – your average glass of cow’s milk contains 3.4% protein, 3.6% fat, and 4.6% lactose. (Lactose is a sugar molecule, made up of two simple sugars. When you get lactose free milk [...]

Summer’s Here, Time for a Change

It’s hot, it’s sunny, and I’ve decided that I want to change my display picture.
But I can’t decide what I should change it to!
I’ve narrowed it down to the following images (in no particular order):
Pic A

Pic B

Pic C
Pic D

Pic E

Pic F
Pic G
Pic H
Pic I
Pic J
And [...]

Porn, Little Brothers & The Sugasm

I had a weird dream last night. I was reading the paper and came across the Sunday comics – in a full colour little booklet. I was reading the first page when I spotted a funny Garfield comic (I actually don’t think many Garfield comics are funny) – the punchline makes no sense now that [...]

Film Fridays 25 – More Girls?! Run Away!!

I had to take the bus today (>.< yuck ) and this song came up on my iPod! Every time I hear it, it just gets stuck in my head and I have to listen to it 2-3 times. I don’t know if it’s the baseline or the lyrics or what, but it’s just [...]

I Never Said I Was a Hand Model HNT

Since I’ve gotten so busy lately, I decided that I needed a cheap new watch to tide me over until I get the battery replaced in my nice watch. (It has to be pressurized when the battery is changed so that I can scuba dive with it. The local merchants that I’ve asked so far [...]

CockCuntBlogging Wednesday 5 – The Return!

Hurray!I finally had another reader who was willing to share her pretty pussy with the world. Feast your eyes upon this pink vision of juicy womanful-ness:
Give your cock or cunt some time in the spotlight – Send a picture to me( [email protected] ); I would be happy to alternate between cockblogging and cuntblogging if I [...]

Insert *Caption* Here AGAIN!

Last time was so much fun that I’ve decided to bring in another picture for Show&Tell.
If you missed it last time, here’s the idea:
I Show you the picture:

and you Tell me what the characters are saying/thinking. ^_~
[N.B.: for those of you not familiar with various school uniforms - the girls are in their PE [...]

Reader Question – How do YOU Masturbate?

“Shay, is masturbating 3 times a week ok? I am a male in my late 30’s and setup three days for masturbating. I do it in the shower. How many days of the week do you masturbate? Would you describe in detail how you do it?”

Well, masturbating three times a week sounds pretty healthy to [...]