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Hi, I'm Shay.

Welcome to The S Spot!

This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

I also answer reader questions - so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything. (Check my archives to see what other people have asked too, maybe someone had the same problem you did!)

I've been writing for a while, so go ahead and explore my site - I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, and if not, let me know!

E-mail your comments / suggestions / questions to:

[It is understood that all subjects in CBW photos must be of at least 18 years of age and photos are submitted with consent. The S Spot is not responsible for the irresponsibility of others.

All questions/ comments/ suggestions/photos, once received by Shay, become her property and may or may not be published at her discretion.]

All written material is copywright of Shay ©2004-2009 (unless otherwise specified) and may not be used without express permission.



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Archive for 'Shay'

Shay’s Special Film Friday (so special it’s not even on a Friday!)

I’ve decided to dip my toe into the word of video blogging, my dear readers.
And you are going to be my first test audience!
Are you honoured?
Oh good, maybe that’ll help convince you to go easy on me with the critiquing.
And so, without further ado, I present to you my video debut on the internets!

So what [...]

Shay’s First Toy

I’ve been reviewing toys here at The S Spot for a while now, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you about my very first sex toy ever!  Thank goodness one of you thought to ask. ^_~
When I first left home to go to university, I was super excited because when I was living in [...]

Talking about Sex

A good friend of mine started a fantastic website not too long ago.
The purpose of this website is to create an online resource – a collection, if you will, of stories of people’s experiences learning and/or teaching others about sex and sexuality.
The site is called Beyond the Birds and the Bees.
In fact, I have yet [...]

Happy 4th Blogiversary The S Spot!

4 whole years – that’s like 28 in blog years!
(Gosh, does that mean it’s time for the site to start thinking about settling down? I hope not!)
This has been a busy busy year for us here at The S Spot!
I moved to a new city and the site moved to a new domain (woot!);
I started [...]

Yes, I made my own cake again this year – but at least I know it’ll be yummy!

Moving Update

Well, I’m all moved into my new place, just some unpacking still needs to be done and some Ikea furniture needs to be brought home. I don’t have my desk set up yet, but I do have internet again!yay!
“So what” you say?So, we’ll be back to regular posting from now on!yay!


Not the site
just me – physically
I’ve been packing all week and tomorrow is the big moving day!Unfortunately this means that I’ll be without internet until sometime on Monday.^_^

Ask Shay: A Special Edition part 3

Looks like I ended up with a lot of questions from anonymous readers – and that’s fine, a lot of people are shy or don’t have blogs of their own (you don’t have to create a profile to comment) – I’m just happy to hear from any of you!
Now, let’s get to your burning questions.
One [...]

Your Birthday Girl

**UPDATE**Thank you so much for the Birthday Wishes everyone!I had a wonderful birthday – and a new post is coming soon, I promise^_~

Ask Shay: A Special Eddition – Part 2

A couple of days ago I offered to share a little bit more about myself with you, my loyal readers, and invited you to ask me a few personal questions – boy did that open up a can of worms! haha

Violetta wanted to know if I am really a woman, since she suspects [...]