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Archive for October, 2006

An E-mailed Trick/Treat

hehe thanks Roger
(psst – don’t forget to scroll down to make sure you didn’t miss anything – it’s a multi posting day!)

Halloweener #2

RatMaggot sent me this very neat shot of himself – dressed up as a clothesline!
“Always been into pain – biting, fingernails and so on, but you need a partner for that kind of thing and she’s not aways around. I guess you just have to see household objects in a slightly… skewed manner haha :) [...]

Happy Halloween!

Keep watching this site today for some special Halloween Treats! ^_~
P.S. Happy Halloween from Yuki too:

Costumed Cunt#1

The lovely Ryan, of Ryan’sReflections was kind enough to submit to my Halloween request for costumed crotches.Here is her pssu as Daisy Dukes.
It’s covered up sure, but I know you all have great imaginations.^_~
photo, cockblogging, cuntblogging,halloween,

PUMPkin Carving – Not Just For Kids!

I love pumpkins! I love how they look, all orange and round and happy. I love how they taste; delicious pumpkin pie and crunchy roasted pumpkin seeds are the best in October. And, most importantly, I love carving pumpkins.
But, as I sliced through the pumpkin flesh and pulled out the gooey insides in preparation for [...]

Halloweener #1

As some of you might recall, I put out a request for Halloween crotches in costume.Danger here was the first to respond with his Cock-o-lantern:
It’s simple, it’s cute, and it’s Halloweener-ific!Thank you Danger!
cock, photo, cockblogging, cuntblogging,halloween, jackolantern

Film Fridays 47 – Halloween Costume Ideas

Thanks to all of you who helped me decide on a Halloween costume yesterday!I was actually surprised by how many people liked my ladybug costume the best. ^_^
Now for the rest of you, allow me to offer a couple of suggestions for Halloween costumes:
See! Didn’t I tell you that chicks dig tentacles?hehe
Play your cards right [...]

A Double HNT And a Decision

I was going to post another pic from The Sex Show, but then I realized that I still need to decide on a Halloween costume for this year!Do you think you could help me?
I’ve narrowed it down to two choices:
1. School Girl Shay (using my old high school uniform)
(Yes, even I can’t believe everything still [...]

Just Wrap Some TP Around It…

I just wanted to let you know that I have so far received TWO entries for my Halloween costumed cock and cunt request. Get goin’ folks!

Cockblogging Wednesday 42

This week’s fabulous cockblogging picture comes from Bill in NH.
“Thank you for having a great blog. I especially enjoy the anime/ manga pictures Here is my contribution to cockblogging wednesday. While not my best effort in focusing, I was distracted. ;)“
That’s okay Bill, we understand – it’s hard to hold a cock and a camera [...]