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Changing Partners

It’s hard to give advice when I’m given very little info about a situation, but I do my best ^_^ :

Hi um I’m a frequent reader and I was hoping if you can give me some advice for a problem of mine.
The last two times I had sex with my girlfriend I was able to last a while but I just couldn’t orgasm. But when I have sex with my friend who’s a guy I always cum. What’s wrong with me?

Well, knowing hardly anything about you, I’d say that your problem could be due to any number of things.
It may be that you feel more connect in some way to your guy friend, or simply that you feel more relaxed and “free” with him.

It’s likely that sex with him also offers a different kind of stimulation than when you have sex with your girlfriend, and this could be the kind of stimulation that your body is used to getting off with. You could try simulating that same stimulation when you’re with her, or you may just find that your problem goes away with time; as you get used to being with your girlfriend and you become more comfortable with her.  If not, you may need to re-evaluate your preferences in the bedroom.

Good Luck!20091016144725

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