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Hi, I'm Shay.

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Archive for 'gift guide'

Shay’s Naughty Xmas Gift List

The Holiday Season is upon us - which of course means it’s time for another sexy xmas gift guide!
Sure you could get your friends and family boring normal gifts like coffee makers and holiday socks this year, but wouldn’t you rather give them something a little more exciting?  You would? Excellent - read on for [...]

Shay’s Sexmas Gift List - For the Naughty. *To Be Checked… Twice*

With only 18 days to spare, the S Spot Xmas Gift Guide is finally back to help you out with all those tricky present buying situations for people who fall on both your Nice AND Naughty lists.
So grab an eggnog and get ready because there is still plenty of time for Santa’s elves to ship [...]

Shay’s Picks for Back to School

This is for all my student readers who’ve headed back to Uni this fall; new notebooks, new pens, new roommates, and maybe even some new clothes, but what about your other back to school “essentials”?
Those of you who haven’t quite blown all your cash on textbooks and a meal plan, your good friend Shay [...]

Sex, Vibes, and Chocolate

Valentine’s Day is the most acceptable gift-giving occasion for giving a sex toy - maybe you didn’t want your partner to have open the prostate massager you bought him in front of his grandparents and baby cousins on Christmas/Ramadan/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, but who is going to know that you gave him one for Valentine’s Day? No [...]

Shay’s Sexmas Gift Guide 2

That’s right! At long last Shay’s Gift Guide is back to help you pick out the perfect gift for those special people on your gift list, especially for the ones who have been particularly naughty this year.
Picture this: it’?s Christmas morning and your family is gathered around your Christmas tree (or menorah, or Kinara, or [...]

Shay’s Kit Picks

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and I know a few of you are still searching for ideas. (Heck I haven’t even picked anything up yet! - I blame exams and work). So here are a few more last minute ideas.
Personally, I think that love/sex kits are very fun - instead of picking out just one [...]

Have a Voracious Valentine’s Day

I’ve always had a positive attitude about Valentine’s Day (which is in TWO WEEKS by the way). Even when I didn’t have boyfriends I was always, at least, my Mom’s valentine. ^_^
But I know that a lot of people have really negative attitudes about the whole thing; if they are in a relationship, they feel [...]

Shay’s SeXMAS Gift List

Not sure what to get for you partner(or brother, son, daughter, lover, uncle, sister, roommate, parents) this holiday season?Allow me to offer you some fun gift ideas. ^_^
The molecular massager is a toy that I enjoyed (read my review HERE). This could be a great stocking stuffer, secret santa offering, or could be matched with [...]