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CockCUNTBlogging Wednesday 2

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Today I present to you the Courageous Cunt of our very own and very lovely Sweltering Celt.
Her cunt is patiently waiting for Ranger to return at the moment… well actually at the moment she’s away having a baby extraction (^_~) but before stepping out, she did send me two photos from when her cute cunt was feeling particularly playful.

Peek-a-boo (how friendly!)

This cunt does like her toys too. ^_^

“Cavern, cackle, clit, cute, come – closed C – closed inside, inside ca – then u – then cu – then curvy, inviting, sharkskin u – uniform, under, up, urge, ugh, ugh, u – then n then cun – snug letters fitting perfectly together – n – nest, now, nexus, nice, nice, always depth, always round in uppercase, cun, cun – n a jagged wicked electrical pulse – n then soft n – warm n – cun, cun, then t – then sharp certain tangy t – texture, take, tent, tight, tantalizing, tensing, taste, tendrils, time, tactile, tell me, tell me…” ~ “Reclaiming Cunt”, The Vagina Monologues. Learn more about V-Day HERE.

Say it with me “cunt cunt cunt Cunt CUNT!”

Stay patient my CBW boys while I ask for Proud Pussies, Courageous Cunts, and Vivacious Vaginas to be sent to me at [email protected] .

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9 comments to CockCUNTBlogging Wednesday 2

  • AlwaysArousedGirl

    That is a wonderful pair of picture.

  • Aragorn

    Congratulations dear Shy !! Wonderful images, beautiful text, so absolutely cunt-worthy !

  • Shay

    Ahh my two lovely commenters!
    I’m so glad to know that anyone enjoys something I’ve posted (esp you two) *kisses*

  • r martini

    NICE….very nice! Keep them cummin…

  • Momentarily_Distracted

    I need to ask a question:
    How does one get so hair-free down there? Is it waxing?
    I’m curious on how that is done without bumps and ingrown hairs.

  • the bare frame

    that is a cute cunt, indeed.

  • Catfish

    Looks like a pink pretty rose bud.

  • nniceguy269

    mmm yep that is one nice juicy looking pussy… and I love that little clit peeking her little head out. Thanks for sharing :P slurp

  • Celtic Frog

    I realize this is coming a little late ;) (cumming, heh) but I really do only shave. I do, however, use a body bare (hey, support your local sweltcelt and buy one through the link on her page!) and it miraculously saves me from redbumpians.

    And hey, thanks for featuring me on Valentine’s week – I had actually had the little one on the 13th, so three days in a row I was extra special! And then Ranger got home on the 16th – way cool.

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