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Archive for October, 2005

Trick or Treat! ^_^

Did you miss me over the weekend? Please enjoy my mishmosh of Halloween-ness.
First, we have my lovely Halloween horoscope:

Halloween Horoscope for Sagittarius

Halloween is your time to be flirtatious, sexy, and hot hot hot!You love to tempt people into evil, even if it’s just for one night.Costume suggestions: A sexy devil or a dark fairySignature [...]

Lots More Hentai

By special request! Here are a few of my favorite sexual positions. Illustrated in Hentai! ^_^(please forgive the blurring of some body parts, that tends to happen)
Sometimes a girl just needs some good hard doggy style. ^_^

This one is fun because you get to mush your breasts into your partners face!
Works well in the [...]

A Little More Hentai

Bedroom Dancer’s comment made me realize that not everyone knows what hentai is. I wrote a sort of definition of hentai last year, you can read it HERE if you like (it’s got some cute images).And HERE is a comic relevant to the hentai discussion (hentai fans should find it extremely funny).

Hentai vs. Standard Porn

{ If you aren’t sure what Hentai is, you may want to click HERE for an explanation}Lord C recently asked me if I had any good free hentai links.
I had to confess that I really only have the one right now because it is so very hard to find good free hentai these days! I [...]

Back For Another

I know, I said last week’s participation was practically a one time thing.But how could I resist posting on CockBlogging Wednesday when a friend of mine was nice enough to send me a photo of his cock for me to post!

Aww see! It’s so friendly! ^_^(By the way – my tea tasting assistant wants you [...]

My Daisy Chain

A few of you have messaged me asking about the links on my pageHere is a quick overview of the lovely pages I have linked on my blog (so far):Muff Box Films – Written by the amazing Rupert. He is an Australian grad student who posts about a variety of topics, especially his own sexual [...]

I’m Gonna Make Me Some Cream Filled Vagina!

Original link yoinked from Alex & SuzeI loved these recipes for some naughty desserts!

This is the Cream Filled VaginaI get hungry and horny just looking at it!!I’ll have to try baking some tomorrow
And, just in time for the weekend – Witch TitsPerfect to bring to a Halloween party!(this recipe sounds REALLY yummy)
(Aroused Girl, do you [...]

I was a Human Dessert

My assistant and I were both very excited to see what drinking Intimate teas’ “My Maple Cookie” would do to us. The following is an account of our experience/experiment:
We took our first two doses of tea on a Thursday evening. I boiled water, poured it over the tea bag, into a small teapot, and let [...]

"Oh Baby Yeah"

I hate it when the girls in a porn I’m watching can’t even fake a good orgasm. I actually prefer it when they drown out those awful fake sounding moans with music (even if it is cheesy). Sometimes I turn off the sound myself, turn up the music, and show them how it’s done!

A History Lesson in Vibration (part 3)

Part 1 HEREPart 2 HEREThere is HUGE variety in the vibrators avaiable on the market today; so many different kinds exist that things can sometimes get a little confusing!
Luckily most adult sites, like Lovedreamer, carry quite a number of different kinds and tend to organise them into neat categories such as: smooth vibes, fun vibes, [...]