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Hi, I'm Shay.

Welcome to The S Spot!

This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

I also answer reader questions - so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything. (Check my archives to see what other people have asked too, maybe someone had the same problem you did!)

I've been writing for a while, so go ahead and explore my site - I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, and if not, let me know!

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Archive for 'reader question'

Changing Partners

It’s hard to give advice when I’m given very little info about a situation, but I do my best ^_^ :
“Hi um I’m a frequent reader and I was hoping if you can give me some advice for a problem of mine.
The last two times I had sex with my girlfriend I was able to [...]

Condom Breakage

“I’m e-mailing you because something happened last night that I genuinely need advice about.
Boyfriend and I were having sex yesterday and really enjoying it, but all of a sudden we looked at each other, both thinking ‘Umm…that feels different’.
Anyway we had a look and it turns out the condom had completely split.
He asked me if [...]

Am I Too Small? (again)

“I was wondering if you could give me a little advice. When i have sex with my boyfriend, it feels great at first, but it quickly starts to hurt. We have tried different styles, different condoms, and even lube. I feel horrible because he never gets a chance to come because im too sore before [...]

A Couple of Anal Questions

These are from two different readers and months apart, but they kinda seemed like they went together. Both women enjoy anal play, and yet each has a problem with it…
“I like anal sex. I even orgasm from it. My problem, and the reason it doesn’t happen very often, is that well, I will [...]

Passing Vag Clamp

“I am 19 years old, and am currently involved in a relationship. He is also 19 and we’ve only been having sex for about a year, prior to which we were both virgins. The thing is we had wanted to have sex sooner, and had been trying for about a year and a half [...]

Asking for an Open Relationship

“I am young only 18 and in a commited relationship. Recently I have found e few other guys that I desperately want to have sex with. My boyfriend is really closed minded about multiple partners. What would be a good strategy to get him to allow me to have only sex with other men. I [...]

Ball Waxing

“I like to keep myself as well shaven as I possibly can down in my pleasure region and I have never gotten any complaints on my lack of pubic hair. 1) How do most women feel about it, do they like shaved men, do they hate it, etc? 2) How the hell do porn guys [...]

Brazilian Waxes

“Hi Shay,
I’m a longtime fan of Brazilian waxes. I got them for years at a spa before going DIY. I’ve heard a few stories on the news about people getting infections after getting waxed professionally.

Another thing I heard on the news is that small abrasions caused by waxing can “get infected”. Is it a personal [...]

Dating Friends and Friends of Friends

“I have a relationship question for you.
Ok, I have my best friend Julie*, and her ex boyfriend’s name is Troy. Troy is my best friend, and my recent ex-boyfriend John’s, best friend. My problem is I’m really attracted to Troy, so Troy and I were talking about casually dating. Which sounds fine because its fun [...]

Penis Angle and Masturbation Technique

“Hey, had a two parter I’ve been meaning to ask you for a long time.
A) What’s the deal with acute angled dicks? Depending on the time in my life, my penis, while errect will stand anywhere from 60 to 25 degrees (almost pressed into my stomach). I’ve tried swapping between boxers and breifs, [...]