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CockBlogging Wednesday 98

You know what?
We should do a series of CBW taken in interesting places, I think that would be a lot of fun.
Consider it an assignment my lovely readers.

On that note, this week’s contribution was actually taken with a cell out in the bush.. not that you can tell, since the photo seems to be focusing in on something behind that deer that wandered into the shot (click img to get it out of the way).
It was a slow day on the deer stand, so I did what I usually do when I get bored… I took this on my camera phone..

Don’t forget to become a fan of The S Spot on facebook. You can check the page for special notes, bonus discussion, and who knows what else!

Our 100th cockblogging wednesday is coming up and I’d like to do something cool; got any suggestions or extra special CBW pix? Be sure to send them my way!

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