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but this video sends a clear message:
sometimes vaginas are just meant to be seen
P.S. Yup, still looking for submissions.
P.P.S. It’s very weird that google shows “vaginas” as a typo – how do they want me to pleuralize vagina? Vaginie? Is there a pleural word for vagina that I’m just not thinking of? Does google just feel that it’s wrong to talk about more than one vagina at a time?
It doesn’t show a typo for vaginas here – entering it into as a search term. Although in typing it it in here it gets a red underline. Weird.
Well, I believe it can also be pluralized as vaginae. Also, the word vagina comes from the Latin for sheath. Interesting, yes?
Not that I’m going to try it… but what does google think about penises?
hahaha – luv that clip Shay!
Anon – yeah, the red underline is what I meant. haha
Soni – ahhhh you’re right, vaginae is the way to go!! I did know that about the origin of the word, very interesting still. ^_^
Gad – lol don’t worry, my firefox spell-checker recognizes “penises” as the pleural form. haha Though I’m sure “vaginas” will still have results in google since people use that word on their pages, and if it’s out there, google finds it. lol
CG – thanks doll! I thought it was really funny.
twg – yup, seems that my firefox spell-checker likes that. ^_^