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Film Fridays – a V Day Song

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You know what makes a lovely gift for Valentine’s Day?
A song!


7 comments to Film Fridays – a V Day Song

  • Eve in Chains

    I love those guys. They’re perfectly weird.

  • Phalse Impressions

    Just wondering how many women would actually be looking for a “double teaming” during Valentine’s day? How many women would actually take this as the gift from their partner?

  • Gadfly

    Have you seen the Great Sarah Silverman and her video

    “I’m Fucking Matt Damen”

    While I like Jimmy Kimmel, I like Sarah more, sorry Jimmy. *laughing*

  • M.Yu

    How Romantic…
    and consensual too!

  • TexGuy

    “I’m Fucking Matt Damon” is even funnier if you’ve seen Eurotrip.

  • Shay

    PI – wow, that sounds like a pretty negative attitude. I’m positive that there are a number of women in the world who would like nothing better than to be double teamed for valentine’s day (or on any other day) and I also know that many women would be pleased to have their partner sing them a sweet, heartfelt song.

  • Phalse Impressions

    Shay I’m sorry if it came off negative it just seems …. unusual …. To my misfortune here is one time that my mind does fall back on some of the stereotypes.

    I have met very few women that I been able to talk openly about such subjects that actually have expressed a desire for such things.

    I should also say that because of my wife’s experiences we have agreed that if some double teaming takes place, it will be with her pleasure in mind first and if we like it then it will be mine.

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