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CockCUNTBlogging Wednesday 13

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Happy V-Day!

This week I have a particularly courageous cunt for your viewing pleasure,
a cunt that has made her voice heard on stage, reclaiming the word:

Cunt. You heard me right. Cunt! I’m reclaiming the word. Cunt. I really like it. Just listen to it: ca-oo-n-t! Cunt. It begins with C…

Cavern, cackle, clit, cute, come – closed C – closed inside, inside ca – then u – then cu – then curvy, inviting, sharkskin u – uniform, under, up, urge, ugh, ugh, u – then n then cun – snug letters fitting perfectly together – n – nest, now, nexus, nice, nice, always depth, always round in uppercase, cun, cun – n a jagged wicked electrical pulse – n then soft n – warm n – cun, cun, then t – then sharp certain tangy t – texture, take, tent, tight, tantalizing, tensing, taste, tendrils, time, tactile, tell me, tell me…

Feeling irritable in the airport? Just say cunt and everything will change. Excuse me? You heard me right, I said ‘cunt’. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt.

excerpt from “Reclaiming Cunt” of the Vagina Monologues

13 comments to CockCUNTBlogging Wednesday 13

  • Tangy pepper

    That is a very raw… yet fuckable patch :-)

  • kindabiz

    really worth banging too hard !!!

    real CUNT !!!!

  • Anonymous

    What a beautiful CUNT! I’d love to lick it.

  • Fluxedup

    I do imagine if you did say cunt loudly at the airport things would change suddenly. I don’t know if they would change for the better though. I feel the sudden heavy impact of a handbag on the side of my head in my future if I said that sort of thing. It’s better than saying “Hi Jack” or virtually any thing in Arabic though. Things would change for you then I assure you.

    I do like the new Cunt bloging day feature. I hope you will keep it as a regular feature

  • the cunt above

    Fluxedup: Interrupting your profs lecture to perform the above monologue probably has somewhat similar results. A sharp intake of breath and a lot of shocked profanity; it was a lot of fun. Though the airport might involve security officers instead of shocked TAs being silenced by my prof. ^_^

    To the others: Sorry, this is a you ‘may look but not touch’ cunt, since no one has convinved me elsewise yet. Nice use of the word ‘cunt’; one day it’ll be as acceptable as ‘cock’. XD

  • Ed

    I figure the word was good enough for two of the best 20th century authors, Lawrence and Joyce, so it’s good enough for me.

  • single gal

    i love the vagina monologues!

  • Bad Bad Girl

    It was that scene in the play that made me reclaim the word myself! I LOVE IT!!! I think I use it so often that I forget that people outside my circle would get shocked!! OOPS!!!!

  • Pandora

    Yeah for cunt!

  • Anonymous

    I love the majestic cunt!!

  • Gadfly

    You know … that asshole is awfully inviting as well …

    Just saying

  • Mongrel Porksword

    I’m getting a boner just looking at that.

  • Anonymous

    gostosa !!!

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