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Have a Voracious Valentine’s Day

I’ve always had a positive attitude about Valentine’s Day (which is in TWO WEEKS by the way). Even when I didn’t have boyfriends I was always, at least, my Mom’s valentine. ^_^

But I know that a lot of people have really negative attitudes about the whole thing; if they are in a relationship, they feel obligated to buy something for their partner and resent the whole thing; if they are single they feel left out and cranky.

Well, I am here to say “Lighten Up People!”
Sure it’s a very commercial “holiday”, but aren’t they all?

The way I see it, for couples, Valentine’s Day is a little reminder to be sweet to each other, it’s an excuse to get something nice for your partner (maybe something sexy that you couldn’t/didn’t get them for xmas), and an excuse to take a break and do something romantic with your partner. You’re not obligated, it’s just a reminder to think about how happy you are to be with the one you’re with.

Now don’t go storming off in a huff my single readers. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you have to feel left out!! You have made a very important choice to be single. Anyone can find someone to be with, but YOU decided to stick to your standards and not settle for less than you feel you’re worth. You decided to play it smart and wait for the right person to come along. You should take Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate yourself and your decision!

Ah and now I hear you asking, “but how Shay? I have no idea what to do with my sweety, or as a single this Valentine’s day!” Not to worry gentle readers, keep reading for my guide to a Voracious Valentine’s Day!

* Almost everyone is a little more tense these days than they would like – why not show your partner how much you care about their health by sending them (and maybe yourself) for a professional massage. Single? Well then, what are you waiting for? Send yourself for a massage, you’ve gotta take care of yourself too.

Prefer a more intimate feel? Buy a bottle of scented massage oil (you can mix your own scents at stores like Body Shop or try a bottle of Kama Sutra sensual massage oil from Lovedreamer). Massage your partner by hand or using something like the molecular massager. A massage is a great way to relax and get intimate with someone you’re close to, it also promotes healthy blood flow and has all sorts of health benefits . Don’t forget to make sure you get those muscles on the front of your body rubbed too – everyone should have a massage with a happy ending at least once in their lives. ^_~

* Treat yourself (if you’re single) or get both of you (if your attached) into a nice hot bath with some scented bath salts or bubble bath. Sounds cliché, I know, but don’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it. With a nice big tub you can really move around and enjoy how buoyant and slippery your bodies are in the water – but you might want to lay down towels on the floor in case you splash! Singles, maybe you’d enjoy listening to some music and playing with some bath toys too ^_~.

Too busy for a bath (or don’t have one)? – try a nice hot shower with some sexy body wash.

* Attached, why not wear your dessert when you go out for dinner together. Lovedreamer has got candy bras, candy thongs, candy garter belts, and candy cock pouches for the prefect light dessert after a delicious meal. ^_^ [Read my review of the candy bra HERE]

*Single? Order dinner in from your favourite restaurant and really take the time to enjoy it (alone or with friends). ^_^ Indulge yourself with a nice box of chocolates too!

* If you want to smell like a tasty treat without actually wearing sugar on your body, you could try the “My Maple Cookie” herbal tea by Intimate teas. It’s pretty tasty and made me smell like a delicious maple sweet – read my review HERE.

* How about a shiny new porn subscription? Perfect to enjoy together or by yourself (if you’re single).

* Kama Sutra makes a lot of fun potions and lotions, in particular, their pleasure balm would be fun to play with alone or with your partner and any of their products would make a lovely gift alone, or matched up in one of their gift sets like “the beside box” or “treasure trove”. Kama Sutra products are available from their website or

* Valentine’s Day is a great time to get some new toys or lingerie for yourself or your lover because so many stores are having special sales:

For instance, Lovedreamer appears to have a few specials on right now AND is offering some pretty fun free gifts with every order (like champaign pheromone candles and porn DVDs). They carry a wide variety of toys, lingerie, costumes, and even some cool books – like guides to oral sex (which could be fun to pair with the maple tea or candy lingerie).

And Toys in Babeland is also carrying some pretty hot Valentine-theemed kits that you might want to check out.

* If you’re looking for something extra special for yourself or a partner you might want to check out Origional Sins. That’s where I got the handmade wooden dildo for THIS review. They are very elegant toys and could be just the “different” kind of gift for the dildo lover who seems to have it all. There are a variety of styles to chose from or you can design your own at Dilwood. [Also, don't forget to check out some of Original Sins' fetish and bondage gear - Patrick has also released bondage furniture - just the thing for some extravagant kink play]

* A fun item for couples to use together is a vibrating cock ring. These toys combine the fun of your partner’s hard thrusting cock (or dildo) with the orgasmic benefits of constant clitoral stimulation. (Check out my review HERE). I found quite a variety of styles at Lovedreamer and , so you’re bound to find one you’ll like too. Single? Why not spice up a faithful dildo with one of these! Mine even has a heart on it! So festive! ^_~

* Another great gift idea is the Fleshlight sex unit. These toys are a lot of fun and could be just the thing for your partner, whether they are near or far away, OR for a single fella – get one as a Valentine’s gift of appreciation for yourself!
You can design your own; choosing the orifice style (non descript, mouth, anus, or mouth), colour (pink, clear, mocha, etc) , and sensation (ultra tight, waves, bumps, etc).

If you’re on a budget you could check out some of the less expensive but lovely pocket pussies at LoveDreamer (but don’t get the Chloe Jones model – it has a tendency to split down the middle which, admittedly, sounds kinda sexy, but doesn’t make it a durable toy). (Read what I had to say about pocket pussies HERE)

Both sites also carry some very nice rabbit vibes and pocket rockets (for those of you wanting a less… phallic toy), so ladies you go right ahead and treat yourselves to a new toy as well!

*The Body Bouncer is another really cool toy/piece of sex furniture that is perfect for safely trying out tricky positions with your lover or for bringing a fun new dimension to solo play with a mountable toy. You can snag one of these from Lovedreamer.

*Toys in Babeland have a number of toys that would make really fun Valentine treats. For example, have you always wanted to tie someone to your bed, but could never figure out how to do it without bedposts? Check out these restraints that mount on any mattress/box spring.

*Babeland also carries the super cute “Fleur D’Amour” (flower of love), a long stemmed rose with petals that peel down to reveal sexy suggestions for foreplay.

*Another way to incorporate roses in creating a romantic atmosphere for yourself or for the both of you (or for a party) is the reusable rose petals in the “bed of roses” pack from Lovedreamer.

There are a lot of ways for you to show your partner, or yourself, how much you care and how happy you are on the 14th – Remember it’s the thought that counts (so think positive). I hope that my post has taken away at least a little bit of your dread. ^_^ Stay tuned, I may have more ideas as time goes by!

, , , Valentine gift, , , , , ,

7 comments to Have a Voracious Valentine’s Day

  • Aragorn

    Sweet Shay, sweet. From your list, we definitely have to try that cock-ring-vibrator some time … Hmmm, is it time to go home yet … ;-) ? Hugs – A

  • DZER

    ugh … v-day

    nice post … but bleah on cupid!


  • Madame X

    Shay this is a lovely post and I may even consider purchasing some of these goodies but my darling I have not made a CHOICE to be single. Admittedly some people have made the choice to remain true to their standards but I am single because quite frankly no one has offered to make me not single. Valentine’s day, as well as most holiday’s just re-inforce the fact that society does not like single people.
    I’m with Big D on the cupid thing!

  • Shay

    Aragorn – well I can tell you that I thought the vibrating cock ring was a lot of fun. ^_^

    Dzer + X – Well I’ll be BOTH your Valentines because I love you guys so much! ^_^ (I’ll be anyone’s Valentine, I’m just a valentine slut I guess). I hope you both do get some goodies for yourselves, no sense in missing out on new toys just because you’re single!

  • :P fuzzbox

    Cool gifts!

  • BabyGirl

    Shay my first HNT was in the Candy Bra and Bottom…check me out

  • Pornster

    That wooden dildo looks like a bed-post.
    But nice gifts. Sooner or later I’ll have to go and buy such a fleshlight thing.

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