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Hi, I'm Shay.

Welcome to The S Spot!

This is a positive space where I talk about sex/sexuality, publish my toy reviews/guides, and post some pretty sexy images and videos. ^_^

I also answer reader questions - so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything. (Check my archives to see what other people have asked too, maybe someone had the same problem you did!)

I've been writing for a while, so go ahead and explore my site - I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, and if not, let me know!

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[It is understood that all subjects in CBW photos must be of at least 18 years of age and photos are submitted with consent. The S Spot is not responsible for the irresponsibility of others.

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You know I always love to give you guys freebies, so I’m happy to let you in on these little tidbits:

1. Tomorrow I’m planning to test out this stimulating lube called Stimula,
but in the meantime you can hop on over to their site and get a free sample of your own to experiment with!
I’ll let you know how it works for me and then you can comment and tell me how you liked it too!

2. Babeland is having a tax day sale:
You can get 10% off all your purchases when you use the promo code: NOTAX

3. Fleshlight has got a cute easter egg hunt still going on - find an egg, win a deal!
(It’s really cute and the eggs aren’t hard to “find”.)


Comment from Patch
Time April 15, 2009 at 11:16 pm

Hi Shay,

In regards to tidbit #1:

According to their site, the 2009 Stimula Package is only available to US residents, so Canadian residents are not eligible for the free sample. Oh well.

Comment from Shay
Time April 16, 2009 at 1:03 am

awww boourns, sorry I didn’t mention that!
Though, you are the first person to mention it, I guess no other Canadians were interested?

Comment from C
Time April 16, 2009 at 3:30 pm

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with the Stimula Package people. I did my form at like, 3 am, and managed to fill it in wrong. I got an email from a real person asking for the correct info. Doesn’t happen often these days that a real person is put on those things.

Comment from Maureen
Time April 16, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Hi guys,

I’m sorry about the US residents only bit - send me your information and I will try and work something out for you. If that doesn’t work I will make sure to try and push for a promotional package that will allow for the great Canadians to participate in the future!


Maureen (the stimula package people) ;)

Comment from Patch
Time April 18, 2009 at 4:26 pm

Hi Shay and Maureen,

Just a question about Maureen’s comment.

Should Canadian residents fill out the Stimula Package Signup Form if they’re still interested in the offer, or should they email AccessRx customer support directly with their info?

I’m a bit confused about what I should be doing next.

Comment from Maureen
Time April 21, 2009 at 7:14 pm

Hi Patch, you can just fill out the form and it will go straight to my email.



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