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CockBlogging Wednesday 142

Would you look at that, this week’s submitter even provided his own censored(-ish) image !
(click through to see him sans costume)


I have enjoyed your blog for some years now. I recently got a chat cam, and decided it is time to contribute some pictures.

P.S. Scroll down for more updates.


Comment from Camilla
Time April 15, 2009 at 11:21 am

I love to play dress up.

Comment from ms.inconspicuous
Time April 15, 2009 at 11:38 am

Oh my goodness–I realize that “adorable” isn’t supposed to be the first word that comes to mind with a cock shot–but that costume is adorable. :)

Every girl knows that the best part about Barbie was taking off her outfits–I have no doubt it’d be the same here. ;)

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