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Get That Out of my *Caption*!


Once again it has been WAY too long since we last played a round of the caption game – I think you guys are forgetting how to play!

So just in case, here is how you play:

First I SHOW you an interesting picture that I found while exploring the internets:

and then you TELL me what the character(s) might be thinking and/or saying!

The idea here is to make us LOL
and by us,
I suppose I mean me

6 comments to Get That Out of my *Caption*!

  • ndo

    “Gah! Who needs an alarm when I have Miko’s daily 8am orgasm?”

  • Jim

    When I downloaded the Hot Coffee Mod, I didn’t think I’d develop a fetish!

  • Me, myself

    Guy watching from crack in door: “Awwh man! That was my puffer!!”
    Girl, just noticing him: “I’ll make you out of breath alright, you perve!”

  • matt

    “DAMN IT! Is she choking on her pubic hair again?! What a boner killer.”

  • Matt Murdock

    Closest guy: we are supposed to be practicing for American Idol
    girl: I know But I can only hit the high notes if I hit my g-spot

  • Tabitha

    Book Narrator: Now, having reached a point of adequate relaxation, we are ready to begin self-pleasuring. (See diagram 5a)

    Girl: 5a … 5a …

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