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Wait, are You *Caption*ing?

Since I’m having to borrow my roommate’s computer and feel guilty about using it to write a lengthy blog post,
since I just happened to have put a lot of my hentai on a memory key before I went away,
this seems like a good time to play another round of SHOW and TELL!

Last time, you guys did pretty well, but there were definitely a few captions that stood out like:

Either you are going to have to start swallowing or else I recommend a pixie haircut. The cum is really gummed up in there!”

I thought that much protein was supposed to be good for my split ends

Redhead: Like I said, they’re not your average exploding ninjas

But let’s see how you do THIS time – dun dun dun!

Right, so for those of you new to the game, here is how we play.

First I SHOW you an interesting picture that I found while exploring the internets:
and then you TELL me what the character(s) are thinking and/or saying.

Feel free to get some friends together, send the link around, and let’s see who can top the rest!

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