Some readers felt too impatient to wait for the rotator to bring up the new polls I mentioned last week, so here they are all collected for you!
How convenient!
How convenient!
P.S. I have news about my upcoming erotica contest – good news. Watch for a post about that coming soon.
Hell, I’ll admit it, it’s all about the hentai. I found out about the site in my search for naked manga ladies being very naughty and I would like to see more naked, naughty manga ladies.
Good Thursday to you Shay !
News ? what new news ? I bet it will be good :) Contests are fun !
Hope that all is well with you Shay !
p.s. What do you think of my erotica stories lately ? I’d love your feedback !
Loving Annie
I was on a roll there, going with the majority till the last poll. I love erotica, but I thought I had to answer informative posts to be consistent!
Shay, I just love coming to visit here, whatever you do . . .
Should use checkboxes instead of radio buttons. None of those lists has just one answer :-(
I want a kitsune mini-gallery. They’re just too cute!