It’s a CBW Three-Way!
Three cocks for the price of one!
(click images to see uncensored versions)
Three cocks for the price of one!
(click images to see uncensored versions)
First up we have M with some fancy rope tricks:
Next up it’s hooded Aussie:
And last but not least it’s the Pervert:
OK geepsie!
You will give me your tears.
Usually…well usually, I feel skinny and sexy while gazing upon a nice hard cock…but these pics make me feeling like I’ll gain weight just looking…never mind partaking.
Love that pink eclair
would go great on the blog,ox
How come they don’t have doughnuts like these at my local shop?
I am just lovin’ the hell out of your creativity!
~~I want to send you my cock just to see what you’ll come up with as a cover.~~
God love ya, naughty Shay!
xx,Res. (my word verification was:
“mukdawk” ~~LMAO!
Yum, yum and yum!
I need to sit on top of that third one. RIGHT NOW!!!
Hi Shay
Momtheminx was sent a couple of cocks and these guys wanted to know if I would be a part of Cockblogging.
I’m wondering if I should do it
can you please advise under my dirtyScott post.
this pink eclair would look awesome on the blog
It would be a great start, just a thought and I could link your blogname under it. What do you think?
I do receive a lot of traffic.
Please give me your opinions