Remmy’s cock has appeared at the S Spot before, he just loves to be seen and we just love to see him!
Hmm, I wonder whether this exemplar might fit into your collection. In this picture he’s just about to wake up, but he’s always ready to play.
Did I mention that he’s also very sportive?
A favourite exercise of his is deep-diving into slippery caves…
Hahaha, hey, hope you enjoy it, my Dear! And keep up your gorgeous work! It is always an incredible pleasure to visit your site!
{psst – If you just can’t get enough of Remmy, check him out at Der Versucher. ^_~}
Give your cock or cunt some time in the spotlight – Send a picture to me( [email protected] ); I would be happy to alternate between cockblogging and cuntblogging if I were to receive any pictures from my female readers/fellow bloggers. So Ladies and Gentlemen get out your cameras; and start convincing your partners, wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, close friends, etc (especially if YOU have already sent in a pic for cock/cuntblogging) ^_~
cockbloggingwednesday, cock, photo, cockblogging, cuntbloggingwednesday, cuntblogging
Hi Remmy. Nice picture! Diving into slippery caves, ha!
I must say it looks a little strange. Maybe it’s just the surroundings. Oh well.