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Sidebar Tour II

It’s been nearly 3 months since my last sidebar tour and there have been a lot of changes around the S Spot since then- so I thought it might be time to do another.

*Please step into the cars at your left, move all the way to the end of the row, store any loose items in the baskets provided and mind the lap bar as it descends. We, at the S Spot, would like to remind you that this a no-food zone, so if you must snack, please turn to the person next to you and ask politely.*

First up we have the sexy bug that Art designed for me. You might have noticed that it’s changed to a different picture. ^_^ *interesting point to note* The kanji says “Shay’s Sextalk”.

Directly below my awesome bug, you may have noticed that my site description has changed. The old description was at least a year old and I felt it was time for a change. *We will pause here for a moment for those of you who are taking photos*

Below this, is my profile thingy you can click there to find out what kinds of movies and music I like (I seem to like a lot of movies with numbers in the title). *Please stay with the group sir, no this is not an appropriate place to take off your pants. Yes, I will let you know when it’s permitted*
Below my profile thingy, you will notice a funny little image designed to look like me – currently she/I am dressed up for St Patty’s Day.

Now we come to two snazzy little button that I have made. Yes! I made them with my own little hands! *pause for more photographs and the oos and ahhs*
The first button with take you to my most recent toy shopping guide, in this case my Valentine’s guide. I decided to leave this up because it does have a collection of links to my toy reviews – if you were interested in checking them out- and it saves me the trouble of creating a whole new button for them (for now).
The second button is VERY new so you might not have noticed it yet. When you click this gorgeous button, it will take you to a backdated post containing up-to-date links for all (yes all) of my film Fridays features. *pause for cheers to subside*

Next there’s my awesome poll (which changes after 200 votes or when I get bored). Currently it is asking how long you spend having sex on average. I don’t care if you have a five hour fuck fest once every three months, if you usually have sex for 20 mins that is what I want you to put down. And don’t bother lying to make yourself look good because 1. I don’t care how long you have sex, as long as you enjoy it and 2. It’s anonymous. Now go vote!

Beneath the poll you will notice yet another cartoon designed to look like me (it’s funny that the top one is more accurate).

Next is my fabulous Daisy Chain, check out some of the fun bloggers who choose to associate themselves with me. ^_^

Then we have a list of my 10 most recent posts
Followed by the full archive of my (195) posts – arranged by month and year.
and a list of groups I belong to/things I’m part of.

Below all of this fun stuff, you will find your chance to give back to your sweet and hardworking Shay. These are my ads. Please don’t think I’m a sellout, I’m just a student/sex blogger with low funds – and I’ve carefully picked out ads for sites/products that I think are worth my readers’ valuable time. So buy yourself something sexy and help out your favorite sex blogger (or at least a sex blogger who you think is “sorta okay”). *Think of this as our giftshop ^_~*

[Incidentally, you may have noticed that my silly purple google tower ad thingy is gone. I liked it because it displayed ads that were hilariously loosely associated to my posts. However, (after making $8) google checked out my site and decided that I was not fit for their ads. I kinda take that as a compliment. ]

Below my sexy ads you will find some neat counters – one is a map, click it and you can check out all the countries I have reached with my dirty words.

Then there’s a boring list of places I’m listed. Some of the sites are pretty neat (like bust and booble) and some of them are pretty good places to find other sex blogs to read.

Then there’s the extra stuff that I didn’t know what to do with.
And Finally my sexy awards (let me know if you’d like to give me another award because I love them).

*This concludes your tour of the S Spot Sidebar. Please exit to your right and collect any items or articles of clothing that maybe have “come loose” during the tour. Please be advised that any sex toys you leave behind will become property of and will be henseforth used by The S Spot staff. Have a pleasant day and please come back again soon*

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3 comments to Sidebar Tour II

  • :P fuzzbox

    Excellent sidebar tour. I have never thought that your ads were a problem. The products you advertise always seem relevant to who you are and what you are saying. It is not like you are out and out begging for money.

    I cannot remember ever seeing an annoying pop up. Except when taking a poll and That is on every site that uses a poll. It is just part of the price for those things so it doesn’t bother me.

  • Cayman J


  • Big Ed

    Hehe love the new look…I need to get me some work doneon my site…alas…I need 30 hours in a day as well ;-)

    Cheers Darlin’!

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