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Shay Lovers:


The S Spot’s Sexy Short Story Contest is BACK!

Stay up-to-date with new postings by clicking here. Thanks for visiting Shay's S Spot!

20091102163754That’s right my friends,
sharpen your pencils and ink your pens!
(or.. more like fire up your word processing software ^_~)

This is YOUR chance to show off your creative (and esp) erotic writing skills!
Impress us with your prowess and you could be the lucky winner of a fabulous prize!

JD (of JD’s Man Stories) and I will be judging your entries based on the following criteria:

a) Arousability (how turned on your story got us)
b) Creativity & Charisma (how entertained we were by your story)
c) Spelling & Grammar (because that’s what separates us from the animals people!)

Now, I believe there was some mention above about some sort of prize or reward for sending us a stunningly sexy story?
The lovely people of Eden Fantasys have generously offered to provide the prize for this contest:

The writer of the Top Story will get a $75 giftcard to spend any way their naughty heart desires in the EdenFantasys online store!
The runners up will have their choice between three lovely sex toys: A G-spot Bullet, a Tenga Sleeve, and a cute Bondage Kit.

So it should be well worth the effort to compete

Hmmm, now what else did you need to know?

Oh right!

Technical details/rules:

1. Submitted stories should be no more than 650 words in length.

2. All stories submitted must be your own work: plagiarism = disqualification.

3. Submit your entries to me via e-mail ( You may type your story up in word, but please paste the text into the body of your e-mail when you submit (I don’t want to be downloading attachments all over the place).

4. You may not submit more than one story, so try to pick your favorite idea to run with.

5. No illegal acts should be portrayed; for example, all characters must be of legal age, no bestiality, no violence/gore, no non-consensual sex please.

6. You will maintain ownership of your submission(s) but, by submitting your story, you are agreeing that I may publish it on my site at any time in any form.

7. Please only enter if you are willing to provide a mailing address confidentially (so we can send you your prize if you win).

The contest deadline will be November 30th

Good Luck Everyone!
We’re looking forward to reading the products of your perverted imaginations!

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