Well well well
It seems a few of you really enjoyed my first attempt at video blogging.
I’ve been getting e-mails asking if I could do another video, this time featuring me reading a section of Diary of a Futa aloud.
If you’ve been wondering the same thing, here is my answer for you: sure, that sounds fun.
Which section should I do?!
You can find links to all the chapters in HERE if you need to refresh your memory, or just pick one at random.
Then vote in the following box below:
So, did you have any reasons in particular for picking the chapter that you did?
why choose a section… why not all the episodes, like 1 or 2 a month :)
I voted for chapter five. I have only read them all once and I read them all as they were first posted so I have forgotten a lot of them. However, after scanning through them chapter 5 seemed to have a lot of action in so I thought Chapter 5 FTW :D
Oh Shay. You simply MUST do Chapter three. Why? Because it has everything! Emotionally it’s all over the map- you’ve got arousal, fear, freaked-outness, hornyness, boredom, relief, etc. There’s just a lot going on- most of the big changes in the arc of the plot happen. Namely, the protagonist goes from “suffering” alone with her new dick to having a pal to enjoy it with. Plus there’s the little guy watching whom I keep wondering if he’s going to make another appearance. Anyway, Ch 3 is freaking hot too, but that is pretty evident. Cheers!
i agree with hugo, you should read all of them shay! :D
I agree, it would be great to be able to hear all of them.
I agree with Hugo