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1st Meeting of The S Spot’s Erotic Book Club

Based on some of feed-back I’ve been getting from some of you lovely readers, I thought you might enjoy having a space to discuss Diary of a Futa.

So in the comment section of this post we’ll be doing a little book club meeting - feel free to discuss your favourite parts, the parts you thought were weird, the parts that made you re-think futa, the parts that reminded you of something else, etc.  Or discuss certain mysteries, like, who is the narrator? What kind of mysterious past does she have with her friend Laura?  How do you think her boyfriend will react?  Who do you think is at the door at the end of chapter six?  What about that guy from the library, what’s his deal? Do you like the hentai at the end or is it a distraction?  Heck - feel free to discuss anything that comes across your filthy little minds. .^_~

I’m hoping this will be a lot of fun for fans of the story AND if you guys really enjoy it, I might make this an official page with a link in the side-bar. ^_^



Comment from Dee
Time March 14, 2009 at 10:00 am

It’s tough to name a favorite chapter, but I suppose I would choose Chapter 2. I love that she soaks the sheets with her own cum, I love that she receives pleasure from her pussy and her cock at the same time (in the shower), and I love the bit where she looks at herself in the mirror. That mirror moment added a bit of realism to her character that I really appreciated.

One thing I might like to see in the future is something that futa hentai rarely depicts: a futa having sex with a man. I think it would be an interesting exploration of how futa blurs those lines of gender, orientation, etc. What do you other readers think?

Comment from Epsilon
Time March 14, 2009 at 12:55 pm

Huu… difficult.
But I think i stick with chapter 2 as my favourit, too. Or maybe the last one.. hmm…

I think i definitely prefer futas having sex with women (don’t realy know why), but a futa with a man would be interesting to read (as Dee states above), just not that erotic. (for me ofcourse) ;)

Comment from Dee Emarr
Time March 18, 2009 at 5:35 pm

I wouldn’t mind seeing a scene with her fucking a guy while she fucks her girl-friend. Sort of like the dildo scene, only with a guy in place of the dildo. But i agree with the other Dee (lol, no, i’m not copying you) that i generally prefer my futas to fuck other women.

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